Get Your Life Back: De-Clutter Your Stress Triggers NOW!

In your busy world, stress is a silent killer! It is a major dis-ease that is affecting 98% of us. How do you deal with your stress factors? Shut down? Sleep to avoid? Surf the internet for distraction? Drink? Over-Eat? Drugs?

Those strategies may seem to give you temporary relief but overtime will cause you more stress in the long run and lead you to a myriad of other health issues. You must take the time to find “healthy” ways to deal with your stress factors.

Kathleen’s session will support YOU to FIND the healthiest way to manage your stress!

What sets this session apart from most stress sessions, is that Kathleen ensures that each person has their own customized de-stress strategy. Stress means different things to each person so a “boxed” remedy does not work for individuals.

In this session:

  • Identify your personal stress triggers
  • Learn how stress is affecting you, your health, and your job performance
  • Customize and Commit to your own personal stress reduction plan
  • Learn Kathleen’s personal stress reduction tips

Note: This session can be delivered in 60/120/180 minutes